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Autumn months 2023

Margaret Anne celebrating the Assumption for us in our Upton Chapel.

The Sisters at Stanton House for our Conference along with our Chaplain, Canon David Lawson and Sr Frances Woolman FMDM, our facilitator and good friend.

Jane was at the Leaders Conference at Mirfield. Here she is with Fr John Gribben CR.

Jean Raphael was dancing along at the leaving party in the church for our parish priest, Fr Phil Ritchie.

This is the wonderful team at the Porch on a special day when we celebrated Lorraine’s 20 years service there. That is why the Mayor, Lubna Arshad was there and she is a local lady who knows all about the good work of the Porch.

Jean, Jane and the wonderful Lorraine on her special day. She is the cook there who ‘magics’ up the tasty and appetizing meals with whatever is donated. Congratulations once again, Lorraine, and thank you for all you do!


Summer months 2023

We very pleased to welcome Josh, an ordinand from our Diocese and who is currently studying at Mirfield. He came with Claire Browes, our assistant priest as she celebrated for us for the last time as a member of our parish.

Another photo of our eldest sister, Helen Mary after the Mass celebrated on her birthday in July!

I was glad to get to Lords again for a Middlesex match while on my holiday. Sadly they lost….

Here is Helen Mary at the celebration at Fairacres of the Centenary of their Chapel.

Our gardeners do such a great job. Here is the raised bed opposite the entrance to the guest house

Fr Gerard Mary, one of ‘ our’ Friars on site, along with Helen Mary and Frances Dominica


June 2023

Here I am on my birthday with lovely sweet peas from the garden and a birthday cake!

As you know, Helen Mary is very good at small flower arrangements and here are several she made this month!

We had a pizza lunch with our Garden team outside one day this month. It was hot and some of us needed to sit in the shade by the sheds. Thank you, Diana, our Garden Director for organizing it.

Helen Mary has now completed 65 years in Profession and Fr Phil, our parish priest, came to celebrate Mass for us. Here with our Assistant priest, Claire, Susanna, music director at St Alban’s – part of our parish and our amazing church warden, Rosie, having coffee after Mass.

Dr Sabina Alkire, of OpHi is a great friend of the community and regularly comes to Compline with us when she is in the country and not travelling around the world.

We have so enjoyed the Reverend Jon Lewis coming to celebrate for us in the week. He and his wife Marilyn are about to move up to the Newcastle area so we wanted to have a ‘last’ lunch with them both. Wishing them much joy in their new home!


May 2023

Lovely to have the Reverend Esther Brazil come to celebrate for us. She is Assistant priest at St Mary Magdalen church in Oxford.

On Ascension Day, we were invited to the celebration at Exeter College Chapel where Andrew Allen, one of our Trustees is Chaplain. It was a lovely service and we joined the rest of the congregation and choir for supper afterwards. Here is Jean, just after the service with Andrew and myself with him later as we had supper. Helen Mary was able to come too and thoroughly enjoyed the evening.

One of our faithful Companions, the Reverend Stephanie Bullock, who comes to celebrate for us and also at St John’s Home. Here she is at coffee with us one Tuesday morning.

Another Companion is John Hammock. He lives in America but comes over regularly and joins us for Office. Here he is enjoying talking about gardens and birds with Helen Mary.

May was Coronation month! The first photo is of Frances, helping me put up the bunting and the second one , on the day, with Helen Mary. It was my ‘first ‘ Coronation but her ‘third’!


April 2023

April was a busy month with Easter coming in the first week.

Here is Helen Mary having her daily walk around the garden.

Later in the month, we were delighted to join Diana, our Garden Director on her special birthday celebration. Here she is with Jean and Nick, our faithful and long serving gardener of over 40 years! Here is another photo of Helen Mary and myself at the same party.


March 2023

It was good to have Margreet Armitstead celebrate for us recently. She is the Vicar of Littlemore and one of our Companions. Also in the picture with her and Sr Helen Mary is Eliana Sestini, another Companion, who lives in Italy and was staying with us for Easter. Here is another of Jean Raphael, Frances and myself.

On Good Friday, we joined with others from our parish and local churches on the Walk of Witness. Here is Frances, delivering a meditation on the Penitent Thief, when we arrived at the local Health Centre.

The start of the Easter Vigil, outside the church of Cowley St John.

Canon David Knight is another priest who comes regularly to us, here he is after Mass enjoying coffee and a joke!

We had fire extinguisher training recently with our friend Barry Hedges.

Phil Ritchie is our parish priest and pictured here with Jean and Helen Mary.

Contact Us

All Saints Sisters of the Poor
15A Magdalen Road

T: +44 (0)1865 249127
E: Vocational enquiries: leaderassp@socallss.co.uk
E: Hospitality enquiries: guestsister@socallss.co.uk
W: www.allsaintssistersofthepoor.org.uk